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Gonzalo Maciel was born in Buenos Aires in 1990, where he currently lives and works.


In his works of art he uses light as a main plastic resource, in consequence he uses the laws of physics to compose his own color palette . 


He has an Associate Degree in Art History UMSA (2013). His main education as an artist comes from the art workshops he has made through scholarships and private workshops. He has been granted of the EPAC Scholarship by Augusto Zanela and Manuel Amestoy (2014); PAC Scholarship by Rodrigo Alonso, Gabriel Valansi, Carlos Herrera, Rafael Cippolini and Eduardo Stupia (2013), and Scholarship at Home School of Art by Héctor Médici, Dolores Casares, Eduardo Médici, Jorge González Perrín and Ernesto Pesce (2007 ).


He has been selected at the Biennial of Bahía Blanca (edition 2019 and 2017) and at the Biennial of Young Art (2017). He has participated in the Itaú Award (2019), the Felix Amador Salon (2018) and the Project A Award (2017).


In their individual exhibitions it is common to find intimate spaces where color invades the room and is enhanced with its sound environments. His latest solo shows are: Horizonte Project Horizon ’, Curated by Laeticia Mello in Ziliensky Gallery, Barcelona (2019); ‘How far is the North?’ In the Recoleta Cultural Center, BA (2016), and in the Xirgu Espacio Untref, BA (2015).


His art work forms part of private collections in Argentina, Brazil, the United States and Europe.

Formal education


2013/11 - Associate degree in Art History - University of the Argentine Social Museum, BA  | 


Two year course,  29 assignments, grade average of 8.8. Graduation paper: “Light color and optical effects in Carlos Cruz Diez Physichromies”.


2010/08 -  Bachelor in Visual Arts   - National University of Arts, BA |


Unfinished degree. Two years, 18 assignments, grade average of 9.2.



Art programs scholarships


2014 - Contemporary space for visual arts, Arte x Arte Gallery, BA |


One year lasting program of research, production and work monitoring that consisted in two weekly studio conversations  with the students and the tutors. 10 artists, 2 tutors.     



Sergio Bazan     | 

Augusto Zanela |


2013 - Contemporary art practices, Gachi Pietro Gallery, BA |


One year lasting program. It was a program that foucus on research, production and contextualization of contemporary art from diverse perspectives, dedicated to artists who seek to enrich their practice through an annual program of analysis, criticism and work production meetings. 15 artists, 5 tutors.



Carlos Herrera |     

Rafael Cippolini |

Gabriel Valansi |         

Eduardo Stupia |

Rodrigo Alonso |


2007 - Scholarship for young emerging artist,  House School of Art, BA  |


The mission of this program was to grant a group of young people between 15 and 18 years old, who were offered a free  initial education in visual arts for 18 months. The Program included workshop practices, materials, theoretical contents, trips to museums and meetings with contemporary artists. 18 artists, 4 tutors.



Dolores Casares |       

Jorge González Perrín  | 

Ernesto Pesce   |       

Eduardo Médici  |




2019 - Bahía Blanca Biennial, BA |


2017 - Young Art Biennial, BA      |


2017 - Bahía Blanca Biennial, BA |





2019 - Visual arts Premio Itaú, BA.


2018 -  New media Felix Amador, BA.


2017 -  Premio Proyecto A, BA.



Solo Exhibitions


2019 - Galería Zielinzky, Barcelona  – Horizon project |


2016 - Cultural Center of Recoleta, BA – How far is the north?  |


2015 - Xirgu. Espacio UNTREF, BA –  Window |



Exposiciones colectivas 


2015 - Cultural Centre of Trade Market, BA 


2013 - Panal 361, Gachi Prieto Gallery, BA


2011 - Prima Gallery, with Ivan Enquín y Mercedes Peñalva, BA


2010 - Prima Gallery, with Fabiana Barreda, León Ferrari,  Ernesto Ballesteros, Ernesto Pesce, Andrés Labaké, Leonel Luna, Diego Perrota, Mariano  Sapia, Nora Dobarro, Nora Iniesta, Ector Médici, Martin Reyna, BA


2010 - Borges Cultural Center, Singularity and diverse,  curated by Ernesto Pesce


2009 - Prima Gallery, Atmospheres, with con Ivan Enquin, BA. 


2009 Prima Gallery, Artist's Book, curated by Juan Carlos Romero, BA.


2008 - Argentinian New York Consulate, Young emerging artists, NY.


2007 - Prima Gallery, with Paloma Márquez.


Art fairs


2019 -    Affordable Art Fair Battersea, Galería Zielinsky, Hamburgo


2019 -    Affordable Art Fair Battersea, Galería Zielinsky, Londres   


2019 - BAPhoto, GalleryLabs, BA


2014 - Just Mad, Panal 361 Gallery, Madrid


2011 - Expotrastienda, Prima Gallery, BA


2010 - Expotrastienda, Prima Gallery, BA



Art Courses


2018 - Epoxy Resin Workshop. - BePox | 


Course of 4-hour where the different epoxy resin application techniques were reviewed: 3D applications, with pigmented, marbled, glitter, murals and application on objects.


2018 - Just Color -  Karina Peisajovich |


This seminar is based on a practical training aimed to develop the vision towards color through the experience of the

theory of color and the physics of Light. One month lasting course.


2015 - Integral scenographic light course - Lic. Mauricio Rinaldi |


The course develops the technological characteristics of stage lighting, the aesthetic and expressive treatment of space  through light, and the bases of lighting design applied to the various types of shows. Three month lasting course.


2015 - The text of the work of art - Silvia Gurfein |


This was a workshop that consist in experimentation with writing to find tools and provide new ways to write about one's work and thought processes. Two month lasting course.  


2015 - Workshop of resins - Claudia Aranovich |


Creative learning of polyester resin, latex, rubber, alginate, and all kinds of plastic materials. One month course. 


2013 - How to make an art portfolio - Lucia Warck-Meister  |


Writing workshop in Spanish and English specifying the aspects of an application, statement, CV, biography, cover letter, defining budget, ect. for scholarships, awards, residences, galleries and museums. One month course.


2012 - Approach to sculpture through its materials - Luis Terán |


Course held in four meetings of 2 hours each. Techniques seen: Cement, plaster, woodwork, wires, and other industrial materials. 


2012 - Sculpture workshop -  Diego Bianchi |


Workhop dedicated to experiment with different materials and body experiential situations. One m eeting of 4 hours.


2012 - Critical Seminar - Mari Carmen Ramírez |


The seminar addressed the artists Carlos Cruz-Diez, Joaquín Torres-García and Hélio Oiticica. Three meetings of 3 hours. 


2012 - Contemporary Artists Visits - House School of Art, BA  |


The purpose of each meetings was to know the work and life of the professional contemporary artists and other personalities of the Argentinian art world:      

Luis Felipe Noe |

Julia Converti

Orly Benzacar |

Nicola Costantino |

Martín Reyna |

Ana Gallardo |                    

Marcelo Bordese |

Ernesto Ballesteros | 


2012 - Seminar Artist’s Book - Juan Carlos Romero |


In this course we explore the category and the different types of Artist's Book. There was a practical part. And it finished with an exhibition of the works that were done during the workshop.    



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